Re: MiKTeX Miktex on Mac under Parallels From: Per Ting - 2013-11-14 15:25:31 Thanks, The problem was reported elsewhere as well for a particular download period. Install Miktex For Mac Finding the best Latex compiler online and in the local software goods store can be somewhat a daunting task. If you ask a software developer about the best solution is, they will most likely recommend their tool, and if you approach friends for suggestions, they will tell you all the list of Latex compliers they can name. For Mac users, you will need MacTex which can be found here. On the MiKTeX download page, there will be several panels for the different downloads offered. Open the panel with the title Basic MiKTeX Installer, 32-bit by clicking on it, or if your computer is 64-bit, choose the 64-bit option. MiKTeX is an open source piece of software which means that you are free to customize it in any way you need. You are able to use custom scripts to add new commands to the application or modify. I recently just obtained my first PC after being a Mac user my whole life, and am having problems getting Miktex to talk to TexStudio. I installed Miktex first and then I installed TexStudio. However, TeXstudio will not compile any of my files and I keep getting the message that there is no pathway.
- 1Installation for Windows
- 1.2Installing MikTeX
- 2Installation for Mac
Installation for Windows
There are three easy steps for installing LaTeX on Windows:
- Install GhostView - for creating and viewing postscript (.ps) files
- Install MikTex - this is the standard LaTeX package for Windows
- Install a Text Editor - to type up your own LaTeX files or edit other people's files
All these components will take up approximately 400 MB on your computer, but have at least 600 MB free before installation to keep your computer running smoothly.
Installing GhostView
Macos Miktex Texstudio
This step is so that you can create and view postscript (.ps) files.
You need to download GhostView, which consists of two parts, GSView and Ghostscript. Download the most current versions of both and install them following the instructions in the self-extracting installation packages. Users of personal computers should install the Win32 versions of these packages.
Installing MikTeX
This is the crucial component of the installation and also the biggest on disk, consisting of more than 300 MB. Expect it to take about an hour to download and install, even with a fast connection and computer.
Go to the MikTex webpage and choose Install MikTex from the left menu bar. Select the version you want to install (probably the newest) and follow the instructions. You usually have the choice between a basic install and a full install. If you have the room on your computer and plan to use LaTeX pretty heavily in the future, you might as well do a complete install, rather than having to add packages later. (Note: this is pretty much unnecessary with newer versions of MikTeX, if you're always connected to the internet -- it downloads any packages you need on the fly, while compiling your tex documents.)
Once MikTeX is done installing, it will have created two directories full of many files: the MikTex directory and the texmf directory, the latter of which has all the executable files like latex.exe .
Adding MikTeX to the PATH
In Windows, the 'PATH' is a list of directories which are automatically searches for executable files when you type a command on the command line. You should add the directory containing latex.exe
to the PATH.
In Windows XP, go to Control Panel, click on 'System', go to the 'Advanced' tab, click on 'Environment Variables'. Scroll down the 'user variables' box until you find 'PATH' (you may need to create it?), and add the appropriate directory, probably c:miktextexmfbin
. Multiple entries in the PATH should be separated by semicolons (;).
Installing a Text Editor
Any text editor is sufficient to type up LaTeX documents, however some are specially designed with LaTeX in mind. These usually have buttons for common tasks and text highlighting/coloration for LaTeX environments like Math Mode.
Warning: do not type up LaTeX documents in word processing programs, such as MS Word. These programs 'mark up' the text, meaning they have program-specific coding hidden in the file. The text you see on screen is much less than the actual text inside the file. The LaTeX compiler will encounter this extra coding and produce strange results.
It's recommended to use a text editor with LaTeX-specific features. Such a list can be found here.
For text editors without LaTeX in mind, you will have to create your LaTeX files in them (making sure to give them a .tex filename extension). Open the command prompt, navigate to the directory containing your file, and type latex <filename>
to compile the file. This produces several files, including a .dvi
file. The DVI file can easily be converted to PS or PDF formats.
(Note, this requires that you have correctly set the PATH, as described above.)
Installing Extra Packages
Once you've been using LaTeX for a while, you may find that you need to install new/additional LaTeX packages. MikTeX makes this process very simple. Find MikTeX in your Start Menu and select MikTex Options. This is the file mo.exe in the same directory where you find latex.exe (usually this is C:texmfmiktexbin ).
Click on the Packages tab, then right-click the root of the directory tree (usually called 'MikTeX Packages'). The option 'Find Package' appears, so click it. Then type the name of the package you seek into the appropriate field and click 'Find Now'. Select the search result you want and click 'Goto'. Install if necessary.
Installation for Mac
Installing LaTeX
MacTeX is a complete LaTeX distribution for the Mac. It includes lots of TeX-related software, such as TeXShop, a graphical front end for editing and compiling LaTeX. Be warned that it's a 2.5 GB download, which is the price you pay for completeness. It also includes the 'TeX Live Utility' which helps you keep your TeX distribution up to date.
A list of other text editors can be found here.
MacTeX on Yosemite
If you upgrade to Yosemite (a.k.a. MacOS 10.10) or move your files to a new Mac with Yosemite installed, then the upgrade (and moving files) may take many hours. his is a 'feature' of Apple migration assistant. Read more about it and suggested workaround on this page.
Installing Extra Packages
Reinstall Miktex
Once you've been using LaTeX for a while, you may find that you need to install new/additional LaTeX packages. The TeXLive Utility provides a very convenient way to do this, as well as to keep your TeX installation up to date.
Installation for Linux
If you're running something debian-like (including ubuntu), just type
Easy, huh? You can now tex your documents with commands like
You might want to learn how to use emacs, which is often considered the-one-true-editor. On the other hand, it's a long and steep learning curve before you might believe that.
Steps to Install LaTeX in Ubuntu: Download Compiler and Editor
You can find a number of distributions online. One commonly used is TeX Live. Steps to install TeX Live are as follows:
- Use the below command to install Tex Live distribution on ubuntu
sudo apt-get install texlive-full
- In order to edit a LaTeX document, we require an editor. There are plenty of editors available online. I suggest to use Texmaker, which is a cross-platform supporting editor. Use the below command to install Texmaker on your ubunu system:
sudo apt-get install texmaker
- After complete installation of the texmaker, use the below command to open Texmaker on your Ubuntu system:
- In order to create a document by using Texmaker, click on File and then select New. Now, write the following piece of lines in a blank document:
- Save your document as a '.tex' file. Click on File -> Save. Inorder to compile your document click on Quick Build arrow.
Steps to Install LaTeX in Windows
In order to setup LaTeX in your system, you need to download and install the basic version of MiKTeX. MiKTeX manages all the packages and installs the missing packages automatically.
- Visit
- Download MiKTeX installer
- Run the MiKTeX Installer for further installation
- Select I accept the MiKTeX copying conditions and then click Next after carefully reading the copying conditions.
- Select the scope based of your choice:
1. Install MikTex only for me. (This will set up a private TeX installation.)
2. Install MikTex for anyone who used this computer (all users). This will set up a shared TeX installation.
It is advised to choose the 'Install MikTex only for me' option. - After scope selection click Next
- Click Browse to select the installation directory and click Next. You can also proceed with the default directory.
- Set your preferences and click Next.
- Review your installation and then click Start in order to start the installation.
- Installation will begin and will take a few minutes
- After complete process click on Close in order to exit from the installation wizard.
Steps to Install LaTeX in Mac
In order to setup LaTeX in your Mac operating system, you need to download and install the MacTeX.
Please follow the below steps carefully in order to download and install MacTeX:
- Visit
- Download MacTeX by clicking MacTeX Download link. The download file is of around 4 GB and can take several minutes to download.
- If MacTeX.pkg link to download is prompted, click on the Keep.
- Once MacTeX.pkg is downloaded, double click and open the MacTeX.pkg file in order to start the installation.
- Carefully read all the conditions and accept them. Then, follow all on-screen instructions for the complete installation. The complete process will take some time to install, so be prepared.
- Once the installation is done, you can delete the MacTeX.pkg file based on your interest.
- You can find all your installed programs within Applications | TeX.
- Open TexShop, which is the main LaTeX editor and start writing your first document.