Shell Iwcf Training Manual

Iwcf Manual IWCF recently launched the Well Operations Crew Resource Management (WOCRM) training programme focusing on non-technical skills. This new online course follows our highly successful Level-1 Well Control Awareness Course which has over 40,000 users worldwide. Home - IWCF FUNDAMENTAL PRINCIPLES OF WELL CONTROL. 1.6 FORMATION FRACTURE. This guide assumes that you have a “general” idea how oil and gas wells are drilled and at least a basic understanding of common well control calculations from an introductory IADC or IWCF well control course and/or company provided training material. This guide also assumes you have at least a month to study BEFORE your IWCF exam.


Here i am sharing Shell - IWCF Training Manual Contents: 1. Pretest Information: I.I Notes for Candidates 1.2 Equation Sheets (Field Units and S.I. IWCF Drilling Well Control Certification Syllabus (Compatible with IADC WellCAP Training Curriculum) 3. IWCF Study Material (Chapters extracted from Distance Learning Package) 4. Shell Iwcf Training Manual As recognized, adventure as capably as experience approximately lesson, amusement, as competently as arrangement can be gotten by just checking out a book shell iwcf training manual along with it is not directly done, you could take even more not far off from this life, roughly.


This programme is for people who are in critical well control positions during well intervention operations. Candidates will complete an accredited training course, taught according to IWCF syllabus, to prepare for their assessment.

IWCF follow IOGP recommendations as to what course levels candidates should sit. Download a copy of the latest IOGP 476 Levels Guidance Chart here.

Different levels of training are available and are valid for the following lengths of time:

  • Level 2 training – If passed, the certificate is valid for 5 years.
  • Level 3 and 4 training – If passed, the certificate is valid for 2 years.

Shell Iwcf Training Manual Transmission

The learning element of a Level 2 course can be completed online, however the assessment must be completed at an accredited training centre. For Level 3 and 4 courses, both the learning and assessment elements must be completed at an accredited training centre.

Our Well Intervention Pressure Control (WIPC) Subsea module was created to enhance the existing WIPC syllabus. Although this module is primarily aimed at Level 4 candidates, it is also available for Level 3 candidates who have experience of Subsea well intervention operations. Click here for more information on the Subsea module.


The aim of the IWCF Level 4 (Supervisor) Well Intervention Pressure Control course is to develop the candidate’s knowledge and understanding of well intervention pressure control. The Level 4 course focuses on the duties and responsibilities of an individual working in a supervisory role. The course includes compulsory training and assessment in Completion Equipment and Completion Operations; with optional modules including Coiled Tubing Operations, Wireline Operations, and Snubbing Operations (at least one of the optional modules must be selected).

Designed For

The Level 4 (Supervisor) Well Intervention Pressure Control training and certification is recommended for those working in roles such as Well Services Supervisor, Completion Supervisor/Service Leader, and others with a requirement to hold an IWCF certificate. To view the full list of recommended job titles, please refer to the IWCF website:


Please note: IWCF training levels 2 to 4 are designed to be sequential and first-time candidates are expected to complete Level 2 before progressing to Level 3 or 4. However, the training levels are also designed to be role-specific and dependent on the candidate’s work experience. For guidance and advice on which level of training you are eligible for, please get in touch.

Course Delivery

The course is delivered through presentation of a series of interactive lectures supported by videos and animations, supplemented by a classroom workbook and further self-study exercises. Where available, candidates are also introduced to simulated well intervention scenarios to add a practical element to the course and demonstrate the application of well kill processes. The course is delivered over 4 or 5 days depending on the location and includes IWCF written assessments on the final day.


Shell Iwcf Training Manual Free

Candidates must select a minimum of 1 optional well intervention module from the 3 available to be assessed in. Optional modules are i) Coiled Tubing Operations, ii) Wireline Operations, and ii) Snubbing Operations. Please be advised that the selection cannot be changed once the assessment is completed. Successful completion of the course and a pass mark of 70% or above in all IWCF written assessments will result in IWCF Level 4 certification which is valid for two years.

The candidate must be pre-registered with IWCF and able to provide his/her 6-digit IWCF Candidate Registration (CR) Number.

What is an IWCF CR Number? Click here to find out more.

Prior certification is not required but previous experience in a supervisor role during well services operations is assumed. Please contact us to discuss candidate suitability if you have any doubts or queries.

This course can be delivered at any of our IWCF-accredited training centres for groups of 4 or more at a time to suit you. It can also be delivered at a location of your choosing as long as it meets the IWCF temporary training venue requirements. Please get in touch to find out more.

Shell Iwcf Training Manual Download

This course is available at:

  • UK

  • Malaysia

  • Netherlands

  • Indonesia